Love’s from up above.
A form of expression which cannot be explained nor described, & if fortunate enough to have experienced or been apart of that ride, well done to you for believing in life after love.
Claims thereof are often made when clever 'qualified' persons side in pride with whoever to pass remarks together, a majority that collectively concludes a Love story better.
A deceptive detector is always prepared, so backups never really that far off, word recieved from the conveniently informative inspector is never in short supply, thanks to the Meta.
Love is ever changing, always progressing, the word remains yet changes like the seasons, up to the times, compromising per person, read between the lines to be certain.
Its a thin line seperating love from hate, those who eagerly await from the ones who choose to go at it alone after finding out how cruel it can be as fait, agreeing to disagree argeuably's always the best wording to describe that story.
To me, quintessentially Love can only be Godly, & this includes the making thereof.