Challenge Ended
Deepest Darkest
Your deepest darkest shit you don't tell a soul. Fuck it, I'll go first....
Ended February 28, 2022 • 24 Entries • Created by EdGeingsta
There was once a time
I wanted to die
Quick was progression
A deep dark descent
Met by depression
Gloomy and silent
Snaked the unlit path
Overriding will
Extinguishing wrath
Gone was a purpose
I could stand it no more
Unable to weather
The silent roar
Destiny and death
Laughed from somewhere near
Slithering louder
Loud for all to hear
As the fortress walls
Crumbled from within
In the end I was spared
Ascending back to light
Escaping at last
From a starless night
No other soul knew
Inside I was alone
Finding dawn after dusk
Mind hollow as bone