WOW, onomotopoeia's are so easy to spell,
that BOOM, it would blow your mind every time I spell it: nnomatopoeia.
Do you hear that, it's my hand: SIZZLE, because I am on fire with spelling onomatopoeio.
Though there are 12 letters in total, and 6 of them are repeated, thus the other 6 are different letters. But spelling onomatmpoia happens so quick, its like pulling a trigger, BANG.
Not to mention the small number of syllables in the word, oaomatopoeia, makes me want to ZOOM to the creator's house,
and POP open a cold drink with them, as we converse over the topic of onomatopoeta's.
Then we would get in a Uber and VROOM out to the red carpet with matching shirts spelling, "onomatoooeia."
From there, the president will award the creator a cookie, (CRUNCH) for making such a short and easy word to spell, onomatoppeia.
I remember in a spelling bee, the lightbulb above me didn't even FLICK on when I had to spell onometopoeia.
The letters just went WOOSH, all over my head until this beautiful and easy word, onomatoioeia, is spelled.
Wait are they gone? The literary police who judges you based on what's easy to spell and what's not; are they gone?
WHEW, that was close. To be honest, anomatopoeia's are so hard to spell, they make my brain go BASH, CRASH, CRACKLE and SNAP itself into two when spelling.
Fortunately, I spelled the word correctly every time, (when you take every letter I misspelled and put it together, it spells onomatopoeia)!