Miles upon miles of code
Coiled again and again
Unravelled and copied
Replicated and doubled
In the form of four letters
Four molecules
All in an order
Translating into chains of amino acids
Chains that determine our physical traits
What gives us pleasure?
What gives us pain?
Entices joy?
Chains that dictate
What we look like
Sound like
What color are our eyes?
Is our hair?
Our skin?
How tall are we?
How thin are we?
Do we run cold?
Do we run hot?
These little letters
In strings turned into chains
Physically make us /what/ we are
And those letters are passed on by our parents
But our parents pass on more
They pass on their morals
Their personalities
Their quirks
Their talents
Their humor
Their knowledge
And those things
Are what make us /who/ we are