Words To Live By
What is a favorite quote (or quotes!) of yours? Why did this stick with you? It can be a famous or just some wise words from someone you know. Any format. Tag me!
Quotable Quotes
"What's supposed to happen and what actually happens are two totally different things."
"I think we all just take turns being weird and ashamed of one another."
"If love never gives up, then why do we give up on love?"
"Normal is just a figment of our imagination."
(Quotes by me)
"Laziness creates more work."
"A place for everything and everything in its place."
(My Mother)
These stuck with me because they were said around my house a lot when I was younger.
"Practice doesn't make perfect, Practice makes progress." (My sister's elementary school music teacher)
This one just struck me, even though I was only 6 or 7 when I heard it, my sister told me what her teacher said and it has stuck with me ever since.