And nothing was the same again...
The last thing I remember is closing me eyes after spending 4 hours mindlessly scrolling on Twitter. And now my eyes are open again.
I can see everything and nothing at all; all at once. My vision has gone beyond what I could see with my own two eyes, to what every pair of eyes can see in the universe, the humans on earth, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky. I am everyone and everything all at once. I no longer need a body to move, I no longer have a brain to think, I no longer need ears to hear and eyes to see, hands to feel and a mouth to taste. I am the powers that be, I am the universe itself.
My memory is not the events that have unfolded in my life, but everything that has happened or will happen. Everything I have ever questioned now makes sense, every question answered, and every task complete. There will no longer be struggle or strife, there will no longer be joys of victory and tragedies of defeat. I will never again be met with smiles nor teary eyes. I will never again experience the touch of a mother, the kiss of a lover or the hug of a child. I will never again own a pet, befriend an animal or feed a family.
Never again will I ponder for there is nothing left to ponder. I am complete.
I can now see why the world is so cruel. I finally understand why life is not fair. I now can fathom why the good will die first and the cruel will live forever. Now I see why evil will always triumph, and at this moment I have understood why everyone thinks of the universe stained with mal intent.
The universe is not evil, the universe is not cruel, it has never considered me at all to hate me. I am nothing and everything, I am the light and the dark, I am day and night, I am time itself.
The secrets of space, the birth of the universe, the fall of the sun, the prosperous blue planet, and the wonders of the sea. The endless gaze of perpetuity, the end of forever, and the dance of decline.
With a final breath that unwind the planets, I went back to final cognizant thoughts before I transcended, the last thing I saw before the great escape up. Strange esoteric glyphs appeared in the air and lights appeared in the distance, the wind brushed against my skin and a smell of rust made its way, the rocks of different shapes became proportional hexagons and trees became cylinders of tangerine. Ahead of me appeared a podium with many steps that followed, that seemed to go up to no end. No voice spoke to me, and no face appeared, yet I knew within that I must climb. And I did. And nothing was the same again...
I am everyone and everything, I am everywhere at every time, I am the sun and the moon, I am the blood and the water, I am the earth and the sky, I am the snake and the mouse, I am the man and the dog, I am the light and the dark. I am the universe, and this is my last human thought.
With this final looks back at what I was, I looked forward to what I will be. I exhaled my last breath, and the world went back to what it used to be, and nothing was the same again...