I uniquely spin and gravitate to blue
Not just any blue, but a deep, resounding navy blue
That speaks to my soul in unspoken ways
And resonates deep within me as each day begins anew.
Blue, blue, blue provides such immense comfort
And through the warm day and long night
I find ease, rest and comfort in my existence
And discover that which is forever within my sight.
And thus, I choose this and that in navy blue
And sometimes mix it with vibrant colors
Surrounding myself with that blue I so love
For mysterious reasons unbeknownst to others.
The still, the movement of navy blue
Ever encroaching and enveloping all around
I feel it with every breath I take
This blue represents the meaning of life as it abounds.
I see it in the ocean and the massive skies above
In the tiny Blue jays, flowers, and butterflies
It flits, it stirs, and flourishes in nature all about
Until I can see nothing but a peace that draws nigh.
Perhaps the blue I so love is a unique power
Special as it resonates deeply inside of me,
A purpose, a drive, a fierce embodiment
That reverberates within my soul as I move and breathe.
To me, navy blue is more than a mere color
It’s a unique sense of my being and protection
That moves with me along each step I take
And infuses me with purpose and direction.