I see the hate all around me.
This hate, without any just cause.
"Hate the gays," they say,
As they hurl the word "gay" around,
Using it as an insult.
Along with other slurs,
Which I shall not name here.
It's in my face,
All the time, everyplace.
Me, I'm not gay.
I could just walk away.
Yet, I stand here,
Telling these hateful fools,
They question me,
They demand to know,
Am I a gay?
"No," I answer,
"But the people who you bully,
"Who you beat,
"Who's murder your hate fuels,
"As kindling fuels a pyre,
"The people you would have lined up against a wall,
"And shot without trial,
"That could be my brother,
"My sister,
"You would degrade them, strip of of their rights,
"For what?
"They are innocents!
"And if loving is a crime,
"Then we are all guilty,
"Whether we're gay or not!"