Know your worth
I have been told this so much, I see it on social media a lot too.
I hate this saying. I KNOW my worth but I don't believe it. There's a difference between knowing something and believing something. And I know people are gonna be like "Well if you don't "believe your worth" than you don't truly know it.
The thing is, is I know I'm human and I deserve respect. I know I deserve someone who loves me unconditionally. I know I deserve someone who is gonna worry about whether I've eaten 2-3 times a day. I know I deserve to feel wanted and loved.
But, I don't believe I'm deserving of that. I don't believe I'm worth the time it takes out of someone's day to give me respect or to be loved or have someone worry about if I'm okay.
You can know your worth but knowing your worth does nothing when you don't believe it.