A set of Star-lit Scales
A set of star lit scales, hung high in the glitter of the night sky. I have always wondered who held it there, and I have always wondered why?
A set of star lit scales, held by the divine. Used by a Goddess named Themis to measure justice, what is wrong and what is right.
A set of star lit scales, Themis no longer holds them in the sky. They are strung up in the stars, forever by her daughter's side.
A set of star lit scales, given to Astraea by her mother. They remain close to her side, connecting them to one another.
A set of star lit scales, connecting mother and daughter. One forever tied to a mountain and one forever tied to the stars above her.
A set of star lit scales, made into their own constellation. Given the values of patience and justice, for all of those beneath it.
A set of star lit scales, hung high in the glitter of the night sky. I now know who holds them, but still I wonder why?