fall for you
tell me where you always wish you were, on the
empty days when every hour feels the same,
the dreams that give your life color.
tell me what you see, what you think about
right before you fall asleep.
where do you go when you feel trapped?
show me late-night you, dancing in a messy kitchen
to your favorite 3 am song.
laugh til you hurt over your favorite memory,
the one that you forget sometimes, but never fails to make you smile.
show me which sounds and smells take you
back to when you were five years old.
let me sit on the edge of your bed while you show off
your softest pajama pants, the ones that don’t reach your ankles anymore.
read me your favorite book, tell me why it’s a piece of you,
make inside jokes with me about the part that made you laugh.
let me run my fingers around the edges of your face, and tell me
what you don’t like about yourself, what you would fix.
stuff a pillow under the door, turn up the music,
and sing loud til your voice cracks.
tell me all of your favorite things, they will be mine too.
show me what makes you cry, what do you do with your tears?
and anger. what do you do in those heated moments
with closed fists or deep breaths?
i want to know your weapon of choice, words
or merely cold silence?
and when the sun sets, i want to watch your eyes get tired,
fall asleep with your hand pressing against mine.
if you take me with you to your dreams,
what will we see?
show me your worst dance moves, your terrible accent,
that movie that reminds you of someone in a bitter way,
let me watch what you’re like when you first wake up,
what song you hum under your breath.
i want to know which words make you melt,
to know if you’re the kind of person that isn’t afraid of getting old.
take me with you to the store, while you have a handful of cash
and a basket full of this-and-that snacks.
i want to notice your breath catch at whatever it is you find most beautiful,
the sunrise or the sunset? the stars or the rain?
i want to memorize you, stay awake
to listen to your heart beat so soft.
to be the first person to see the entire universe that is
hidden deep in who you really are.
show me the things that make you lose words;
what you live for, what you’d die for.
all of the sudden, your favorite color will be mine.
your eyes- your voice- your smile, will be my memories.
peel away the ‘i’m good, how are you?’ and show me
what wars are being fought in your mind.
when people ask who i am, what we are, call me
your person.
build a home for me in your heart
that doesn’t get replaced.
i'll be here to know you
when no one else does,
and i'll love what i see
between the lines of good and bad.
i will take the pieces of your heart
that you give me and love them well.
tell me how far you've fallen
and watch-
this is how i
fall for you.