Simple and Easy Homemade Followers!
Flatten out the dough
While it's
Fresh and young.
Butter it up
Before it can learn of
Anything else,
Kneed it in before
It dares to question
The butter its been given.
Make sure it knows to
Only be grateful
Questions sour the recipe.
Make sure to repeat
Until there's nothing in that mind
But butter.
Only your favorite brand.
Try to sprinkle in
Just enough of that
Salty truth,
So as not to
Mess with the flavor,
But improve the taste
With realism.
But no worries,
Even if you mess up,
Sugary faith
Will preserve that
Sweet buttery goodness!
And when it bakes,
If it was all folded just right,
It should come out
Perfectly fluffy.
Bread full of air,
Bound to repeat
The recipe.
Belief taste so much
Than knowledge.