Two moons
I saw two moons at the night sky, like two hearts beating next to each other in the rhythm of life. They were magnificent, truly magical, shedding their light on the world beneath them. I stared at them, dazzled. The wind was gently swinging them like laughing children on the playground. They were signing a song so calm like a mellow handpan sound echoing in the night. I felt like they were telling me the wisdom of love and life, thousand years old, waiting to be passed on. I could hear them whispering to me gently.
"Listen to the wisdom, it will change you, it will change who you are."
"How?" I asked.
"Open your soul and love and life will meet you. They will knock on your door once. Open it and embrace them with with all of your heart. For love and life always come together."
"What is life without love?" I asked the two moons.
"It is nothingness, life cannot thrive without love and love needs life to exist."
"What is life with love?" I asked again.
"It is majestical utopia, utmost perfection, unique alchemy. "
"Can I have them both?" I asked the two moons.
"Yes, when you have true love in your life, your whole being is complete, in perfect harmony like yin and yang.'
I thought I was dreaming all this. It felt like it was a state of my pure imagination. But it wasn't. I rubbed my eyes, and the two moons were gone. I stood there smiling contentedly.
It started raining, raindrops falling like stars, soaking me wet. My mind was repeating the conversation, reminiscing the wisdom, keeping it like treasure.
"Will I see you again two moons?" I asked loudly.
There was no answer, but then I heard a quiet voice whisper:
"Wait for a bright night and you will meet us again. For there is more wisdom to tell."
I will wait, two moons. I will wait...