Religion in 15-50 words.
In 15 - 50 words sum up your most honest thoughts and/or feelings on or about or in the vicinity of the dreaded topic of religion. (p.s; for all you gorgeously rambunctious rebels out there, I'm not actually going to put the word limit restriction in the challenge, just in case you've got more to say.) I'm hoping to drum up discussions, so please feel free to participate, whether it be in your own post or in the delectably contentious comment sections.
My God is the ground, the grass, the dirt
She does not ask for money to wash away my sins
Because there is no such thing, just perfectly imperfect
And glory is not a for-profit scheme
My God is the air, the wind, the wing
She envelops my body in an easy embrace
And does not touch me behind the dark, musty pews
Of a so-called holy place
My God needs no organization or LLC
She is everywhere, in everything and calls for nothing
Not for wars or plagues, nor rape or murder
Not for chains that bind because of the flesh between my legs
To My God, nothing is unholy
She is Me, she is the World