Write a myth, based upon the one thing that inspires you EVERY single day. A myth is usually telling the story of how a natural phenomenon came to be, but you can also create your own. Inspire those who read your story. Write in any style in 100 words.
Of The Beginning
It is said that the universe and everything therein came
to be in six days and that on the seventh
there was rest. This is the story that The Seven
tell. When all was Said and Done they gathered, beaming,
full of joy at what they had created. They celebrated.
Jealousy was born in the heart of Storm. Surging, above
creation, he struck with bolts of light bringing fire. Wind
was caught in the waylay and the heavens shook, that
which was once pure became sullied, frail. Next time you
see clouds and a rainbow, know that a battle rages.