Write a myth, based upon the one thing that inspires you EVERY single day. A myth is usually telling the story of how a natural phenomenon came to be, but you can also create your own. Inspire those who read your story. Write in any style in 100 words.
Do You Know Time?
Love is a man with cold, dry hands;
Love is a woman with ample breasts;
Love has a scythe
And a pretty green dress.
Love is the one who takes
And breaks
And turns to ash;
Love is a lullaby.
Love is the one who gathers the dust,
And plants the seeds
In water and warmth;
Love is a flame.
Love is the music that continues to play
As we dance and dance and dance.
Love is closing empty eyes
And a rush of relief as the infant cries.
Love has five letters
And four letters
And four letters
And four more,
But ends with seven
Or sometimes six.
And love has all of us,
Future and past,
Until love itself is no more.