Come Hiatus or High Water
My how times flies. Reaper can't believe its been a year since his last post!
But Reaper! You’re always on Hiatus! It shouldn’t be a surprise at all!
Come on hecklers give Reaper some breathing room...
Though the hecklers do have a point. Reaper hopes his habit of trying on many hats is not catching up with him at last… But anyway for any who are interested here is the general update on what Reapers been up to.
1st things 1st a shameless plug because in collaboration with the Counsel of Reapers, Reaper has started a YouTube channel based on Reaper’s miniseries on Prose A Reaper’s Review we do general thoughts on anime and gaming and are even adapting some of said Prose posts into a video format. We're still at the infancy stage but we're hoping for a lot of growth this year,so if that’s your cup of tea you should come and check us out. We would definitely appreciate some of that prose love! But Reaper knows someone will say something along the lines of [But Reaper, that doesn’t sound like you in the videos!] and to that Reaper will say that you are correct. Reaper has a voice for print, so it’s actually A-Reaper speaking. The channel name is essentially a play on words but that’s an inside detail Reaper reserves for the Prose family only. Your welcome! Here’s a link to our latest video, (as of the writing of this post.) which is an adaption of Reaper’s top 10 most recommended games of all time. check it out if you’re at all interested!
2nd things 2nd Reaper is still hard at work on many long term solo projects some of which he has shared on Prose such as writing The 1st Step [Working title] the story of the girl Aurora that can travel through portals. Reaper has not forgotten any promises made and will likely post some additional chapters on Prose later this year. There's another project Reaper is working on that might be posted on Prose in the near future as well. Don’t want to say too much about it now but if you’re a fan of Naruto it might be something you’ll enjoy.
3rd things 3rd since it’s been a while Reaper has to make sure everyone’s quills and noggins have stayed sharp in Reaper’s absence. So expect some back to back challenges from Reaper this month including Reaper’s classic Reap or Riddler challenge! The gauntlet has been thrown who will answer the challenge?
Last things last and in this case most importantly thank you all for the tags, comments, and updates even in Reaper’s absence. You are always very patient with Reaper. Apologies for missing any challenge invites but rest assured Reaper will get around to every comment. And with that said Reaper will see you all in the next post. Until then, keep reading, keep writing!