Steve Jobs once said “The most precious resource we all have is time”. I agree with this statement because you can lose a lot of things and get it back (money, clothes, people). But you can never get back time. I think the worst insult is for someone to purposely waste your time because they don’t consider it to be valuable. Time is what calculates what has passed by. To me it can be a positive thing or a negative thing. If I am looking forward to something, I am constantly wishing the time away hoping for the day to get here sooner, and if something is approaching that I am not excited about, I am also hoping the time will come by faster so I can get it over with. However, if I am enjoying a moment, I want the time to move as slow as a turtle so that I can savor every moment that I am experiencing. I often think that time flies at the most inconvenient times. Why does the time of being at work move so slow, but when i’m hanging out with my friends, the time moves so fast, and it’s time to go home before you know it. I think if you don’t stare at the time, it will move quicker because you aren’t focused on it.