One-Eyed Poet
'Books choose their authors; the act of creation is not entirely a rational and conscious one.' – Salman Rushdie :: What if the words you write chose you?
Iterations Of The Scribe
Millions of versions of verses that came before,
In different faces and forms
Athenians, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, and so on
The word of creativity lives through us all,
Us writers: the bastions of literature,
Storytellers of history and the heartbeat of the industry
The words that fall into our minds like stars
An instruction from the universe
Idiots can try to erase us but they will never destroy
the power of honesty and imagination
There will be more incarnations of us
Creating fictional worlds throughout time
The only certainty, in a world of instability,
Is that we are writers, and we will continue our journey
In this life and every other
We create forever,
In the syllables of our words.