The Sunlight through the darkness, Somehow, we’ll meet Again
One could barely only survive with a cousin who noticed everything about what you do. It tended to tick you off.
Eying her through that watchful eyes, Scarlet was so much the spitting image of Margaret except that they clashed when it came to attitude. Margaret was like the daisy flower in the spring. Blond wavy hair, green eyes that sparkled every time she looked at her husband, Nick. The corner of her eyes crinkled with so much smiling but pretty much, she was wrinkles free. She was all softness and smiles whereas her daughter was a spawn from hell.
"What are you thinking of doing this time?" Scarlet's critical green eyes were sharply trained on her.
Margaret pursed her lips, "Will you give London a break, honey? We're eating."
London chose to be under the radar. To stay quiet. As always.
"You don't know what she's up to, mom." Scarlet sulk, glaring at her toast.
"Are you two having a go at each other again?" Nick's voice carried through the kitchen when she knew that he was still in the living room.
"Oh you know, just another breakfast with the two in the same space, darling." Margaret sighed.
The rest of the breakfast was quiet. When she was finally finished, London excused herself and she ran upstairs. She was sure that Scarlet was fuming at that. She was all prim and proper and by being prim and proper. Running after eating wasn't a part of that.
"I swear it, mom, dad. She's up to no good." She heard Scarlet said as she was covering the steps leading to the hall upstairs.
London didn't hear what they said or if they say anything at all as she closed the door behind her when she reached her room. To her relief when she peeked out the steamed up window, a bright pink beetle was already parked on the kerb.
When she descended back downstairs, she had her bag slung over her shoulder, ready to bolt out of the house.
Nick set down from the newspaper he was reading on the table and regarded her under his round spectacle. When he was convinced that she was all wrapped up for the blizzard storm outside he nodded in content. He picked up the newspaper and busied himself reading the news.
She headed for the door, her gloved covered hands tucked inside the pocket of her jacket.
Just as she was about to open it, Nick said, "At least let your aunt Margaret know that you're off to school."
London considered but decided against it. Staying a second longer meant crossing Scarlet's path.
"She doesn't mind."
She didn't mind waiting for his response. Instead, she pulled the door opened. The bone-chilling wind instantly seep through her thick coat jacket.
She shuddered.
"How I hate this country's disgusting weather!" She remarked.
"It's rumored that the new boy's coming today."
"The strawberry blond hair girl turned to her brunette friend. "I heard he's hot."
"You know how the sayings go, honey. 'Don't believe everything you heard.'"
The two fell into a heap of laughter.
Looking around, the room was pact with jocks, cheerleaders, and the typical brainy kids.
Each one of the group was grouped up with their own circles and it happened to be that Gigi was at the other class...
Bored, she pulled out the book she was binge reading from last night. The door burst open.
A curly blond guy in a tight blue shirt that had superman logo printed in front of it, wearing a skinny jeans that hang low in the hip strode in the room. He set the folders he was holding on the table and turned to them.
Mr. Arnold, the youngest English professor in Westwood High clapped his hand to get everyone's attention.
"Alright, listen up guys. I have to introduce a new fellow in the class real quick. We're running out of time." He looked at his Rolex for effect.
"Did he just say, new fish?" Murmurs travelled real quick in the room.
Somehow, London found herself transfixed on the door to care who spoke. Not that she cared anyway.
"And here I thought you whip ass, Nikolai."His voice sliced through the noise. A second later, the voice was personified by a guy with raven black hair in a grey hoodie that molded his athletic physique. He looked bored, his hands in his pocket. He was facing Arnold which kept his face under mystery.
"I told you he was hot!"
That caught his attention.
He turned to face them. A pair of gem green eyes zeroed in on strawberry blond head girl, Fiona. His mouth pulled up in the corner.
From the corner of her eyes, London saw the two gush.
"OMG, Hailey. He smiled at me!"
"I know. I think he did on me as well."
"No, he didn't." London frowned.
She didn't realize that she'd spoken out loud if not for the burning death glare she felt nipping in her skin. But what caught her attention was the guy looking at her.
She sucked in a breath.
"Can I have everyone's attention now or should I pull out the detention card?"
She didn't realized that her hand was tightly curled in a ball. The slight sting brought her attention to her hand. It was bleeding.
"Oh, c'mon man." Some of the guys complained.
"As I was saying. Here we have Darling Evans. He'll be here the whole year and who knows how long after that."
The class cracked up.
"Don't start with me, Nikolai. I might just be your worse nightmare. You know how fun I can get." The evil glimmer in his eyes said it all.
Arnold shrugged, "Bring it on, kid. You know in the end of the day, I'm still the teacher."
To ease the obvious tension in the air, Arnold reached over Darling and ruffled his hair. One moment the teacher was standing and the next he was holding onto the edge of his desk, supporting his weight. A hairbreadth away from landing his ass on the floor.
The guys, oohed.
"Cut it out."
He smirked.
"Go find yourself a seat, you brat." Arnold harrumphed.
He rolled his eyes, nevertheless, he found himself an interesting spot sandwiched between the duo, Hailey, and Fiona.