Prompt: Write a story using this as inspiration "The Curtain Project" No particular theme just write. GO!
The Curtain Project
"Goddammit, Sullivan! How many times have I told you that pink is not an acceptable substitute for magenta? Magenta is a beautiful, dignified hue, and you dare disgrace it by comparing it to that disgustingly immature excuse for a color known as "pink"? Shame on you, Sullivan, I think we need to think about divorce."
"Carol, come on. You're being unreasonable. They're just curtains, who cares about curtain colors anyway?"
"Silence! Home decorating is serious business, and I expect you to respect it as such, or face my wrath."
"Carol, I-" he sighs, "Whatever, I'm sorry. Look, how about I do something else, like, um, where should I move that red couch?"
"Red? Red? Sullivan, you imbecile, that it not red, that is crimson!"