Money is a black hole
People like to hide money
They bury it in chests in the ground, they stuff it away into bank accounts, they shove it into the crevices in their mattress, all for the fake security of knowing that one day it will be there when they need it...
But it just sits there. It sits there and takes up human space, not needed, not used, just some security of knowing that you are "safe" with the blanket of crumbled green papers you have knitted yourself. Savings accounts are saved for years, lifetimes. But they are never spent on the small fortunes that we wish we had. They are always saved for something "bigger".
But what if it was gone? What if it disappeared and slipped away into a black hole while you slept in the middle of the night?
Your world would break in half.
Security is just a myth.
Greed is a lifestyle.
Who ever decided that a green paper could save everything you have?
Greed manifests itself in the fingertips of everyone who has ever held a green paper, like a disease, it never goes away.