The Day I Saw Your Flaws
We took a road trip
Across the state
And spent the day on a beach.
You held my hand
As we walked across the sand
And spread out our towels by the shore.
I took out the sunscreen
And asked you to get my back,
But you laughed and said I needed some color.
I rolled my eyes
And rolled onto my stomach
And sighed and closed my eyes.
We went in the water
And you pushed me under
Because to you, life was one big joke
And so was death.
We're young; we aren't meant to die,
You said.
But I know better,
So I ran back to shore,
And you ran after me.
I wouldn't take your shallow apologies
Because we were in deep water
And you pushed me too far.
We were going to stay for the sunset,
But you ran out of "sorry"s by dinner,
So we ate and drove home in silence.
It is midnight now
And all I am left with
Is a sunburn.