Write a myth, based upon the one thing that inspires you EVERY single day. A myth is usually telling the story of how a natural phenomenon came to be, but you can also create your own. Inspire those who read your story. Write in any style in 100 words.
Daemons were of the most powerful creatures to have existed, they were born of the dark halo of the Northern Realms, where the cold and darkness laid.
With tattoos and marks etched onto their skin, Daemons had ranks, specialties, powers, bloodlines.
They had knowledge only a privileged few knew about.
Dark haired Daemons were normal, but every few millennia or so, silver haired hatchlings were created.
These were almost different species, because of how rare they were.
Daemons most likely inhabited the Northern regions like Scotland, orIreland.
For the coming of age, they would be bound to a ring and have to find a master.