Dreaded Illness Sweeping Nations youth
This is a special news bulletin. A new pandemic named HMWRK0 is sweeping the nation infecting children and young adults. It is estimated that 60% of youth is currently infected. And the number is growing at an alarming rate. This disease appears to be highly contagious spreading quickly through persons of close contact. Symptoms include cramping of the hands and wrist, inability to concentrate, aversion to fluorescent lighting, inability to sit for extended periods of time, eye strain, and a need to do anything but homework. Although not immediately life threatening, the disease lowers the performance levels of students leading to lower academic achievements and may lead to problems later in life. If your child is experiencing symptoms of HMWRK0 we advise seeking treatment immediately. Although there is no cure, symptoms can be managed through strict and rigorous discipline, parental involvement, and rewarding accomplishments. May God help all of those currently infected.