Not fair
I read a book once,
neither highbrow nor pulp fiction,
it got me thinking
about the times I used to wonder
what makes a man a man,
and a man a coward.
Now I know,
I guess, I know, but rather wouldn’t.
I’d rather stumble through my thoughts
blinded by the glare
of crushing despair.
No, you’re not fair.
Your death may seem
like an act of God or nature
or whatever name was given to that force
by your teacher,
but deep inside,
where usually just the bile boils
and acrimony coins
new words to describe my hate,
I found a sprout of faith,
which I crushed so it couldn’t grow
and cast a shade.
your death was not an act of God.
Don’t flatter yourself,
he doesn’t care.
You’re nothing special,
you’re not unique,
you’re not rare…
Your death wasn’t
a plan of the divine.
It simply wasn’t fair.