Optimist, Pessimist or Realist? Which are you and what's your strategy for remaining true to your outlook on life? What keeps you centered on that belief? Or do you fluctuate with mood or specific occurrences in life? I want to know! Any form of writing is fine. Let's go up to 500 words. Minimum of 50. If your a pessimist, make me think like you, optimist, give me your positive secret, realist...bring me down to reality. I need good hard convincing! Tag me! I will do one too! Poem or whatever!
The World Through the eyes of an Optimistic Realist
From my experience of being a human being I have learned one thing: life can really suck sometimes. It can reduce you to tears and kick you when you're down, but the beautiful thing is that each day is a new page in your own story. If we pull our heads out of our own problems for a minute we would see that every second of everyday, every breath of air in our lungs, is a blessing. One of the greatest tragedies is that of the person who merely exists. Can really living hurt? Sure. However, everyday we get a clean slate and the opportunity to be a party to something bigger than ourselves. Everyday we get the oppurtunity to seize the day and make life what we want it to be. With this prospect, I find pessimism impossible.