I woke up this morning and I was no longer surrounded. No furniture, nick knacks, carpet, not even my bed. I lay in a field in mountains. There was no house at all; it went the way of everything else. The funny thing was I recognized where I was in the field. It was where my bed, and by default, where by bedroom should have been. Slowly I got up cold and wet with dew, also naked. Whoever or whatever had done this wasn’t screwing around. The ground itself lacked any proof of a home once standing there; grass grew about undeterred. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. That’s when I noticed something odd, okay also odd, the air smelled better, cleaner. Looking around I saw the trees too appeared a little off, smaller. Younger perhaps? Neither were there houses on the nearby hills marking my neighbors. For a brief second I thought I was dreaming. That is until a chill kicked up and nipped me in my dangling bits. Perhaps because what I had been reading, I thought time travel. There was nothing around me simply since it didn’t exist yet. But that couldn’t be right.