Being Alone
Being the social animals that human beings are reared to be, the very thought of being alone can insinuate a sense of trepidation in some. However, every soul that treads the earth was alone to begin with. That soul took a form, and we will keep it to human form for now, and then got conditioned to believe that it was meant to be with the others. We all know that we came here alone and we will die alone and yet, while we live we fear being alone. During this journey that we call life we make intimate partnerships sometimes based on love and sometimes hate; but each one of these makes us feel that we aren't what we fear the most, alone. At a certain juncture in life and it happens in many people's lives, a particular relationship acquires a colossal form. Usually, such a relationship is of passionate and yet, true love. In this particular relationship, a soul feels united with another as if they are not two but one. And it is then that both the souls in this relationship fear separation, fear the loneliness that may befall them if they were separated by unfortunate circumstances. But do these souls ever notice that if they feel they are bonded as one, then how can separation come about, as they are already one? Fear of being alone must then not perturb such souls because even when one body dies, the unified soul remains. And a unified soul can never be alone.