Love and Hate
So then, another challenge and another interesting question, but what is its answer?
Love and Hate are two brothers from the same family, and that family's name is Emotion.
We as humans do like to see ourselves as Emotional Masters of the Universe do we not? Yet we are, and always have been, slaves to them. Likened to a Yin and Yang of our existence as we sail across the sea of our lives, do we not occasionally run into storms? And do we not also enjoy balmy days when the sailing is good?
Perhaps the trick is not to fear one and love the other but to steer a course between the two and treat both as the impostors they are, and neither to be trusted.
Some folk are highly strung and given to high peaks and deep troughs of emotion, I am one such person (and I bear the scars), while others seem neither here nor there and often are detached from love and hate.
Like I said, whatever dice rolled in your favour, steer your course as best you can, and treat these brothers as they deserve.