Challenge of the Month XXXVII
Give us one page of a book, story, or poem of yours. If it's a poem, it can be up to two pages. We don't care if it's already something you posted. For the big, fat $100, put up your picked page or poem. Winner will be chosen by Prose.
Delivery Driver
It was that gnarly bearded dude
carrying all his shit
in a green garbage bag
and wearing a ratty old
coat I could smell
just by looking at it—
a winter coat in this heat—
that dude I’d have stopped for
even though he wasn’t thumbing
but was just like in a trance
on the shoulder
of Fall Creek Parkway
that got me thinking
what a great summer
because instead of sleeping
in my car, I’ve been sleeping
with my girlfriend,
who'd said that one night
if I got a job
she'd be my girlfriend
and maybe one day get hitched
because she was going
to nursing school,
and I could use
her Cavalier
that I’m driving now
with this greasy sack of Paco’s Tacos
for J.T. In apt. 7.