A Meal that Changed Your Life
Write a short piece about a meal that changed your life. Whether it be for the indulgence/ enjoyment of the meal or the content of the conversation. Can be fiction, but make me believe it's real. All genres welcome, however, your piece must center around actual food (I'm looking at you romance/erotica writers). Give me gritty, give me giddy, give me happy, sad, and everything in between, but most of all...give me food.
How do you define ‘family’?
Having gotten used to being confined to my room while my parents wordlessly watched on TV whatever my dad had chosen for the day, to say I felt uncomfortable when my boyfriend told me we had to leave his room to have dinner with his family would be an understatement. Forced to sit down and actually talk to people instead of hiding behind a task, I found that I could be very talkative indeed. When I found myself looking forward to dinner, my heart hurt for all the dinners I would have to eat without family when I went back.