Would Shoes Help?
It’s time to get dressed
It’s time to go
It’s time to impress
It’s time for the show
“But what to wear?”
He thought with dismay
Every shirt in his closet
Was either black or gray
So he grabbed a red scarf
To brighten his suit
Perhaps that would be dapper
Or perhaps even cute
“No, no” he thought
Cute wasn’t the word
It was the opera, after all
Cute would be absurd!
Would shoes help? Maybe
But they’d have to be just right
The soles would need to be sturdy
The laces had to be tight
How about a hat?
With a great big brim
A tie with stripes
Or a jacket with red trim
No! The hat was silly
The scarf too profound
The tie was ridiculous
And the jacket made him look round
So he settled with dreary
The black and the gray
The only look he knew
The way he dressed every day
The curtain opened
The crowd cheered with passion
He smiled and remembered
They didn’t come for his fashion