April 11, 2023 Synthesis
As I sit on my porch, I notice this is the sunniest day we’ve had this year.
The sun hit every leaf I could see
And I could feel the warmth on my skin, also.
It’s moments like this that I feel grateful to be working remotely.
To have the luxury of stepping out my office aka my study room cave and be able to sit on my porch, read a book, play some music, let the kitties out, and call it all a lunch break.
Pretty great. Pretty unlike every other break I had experienced in my past.
I remember my first job working at a pie shop, and a break was sitting in the manager’s room also known as a closet with both a fluorescent over head light and desktop light hue and taking 30. Or better yet when it was warm enough outside to sit in my car and take a breath.
Then there were the days at the pharmacy, where there was no room for a break. No lunch. No dinner. And only a bathroom break if you were quick. The craziest part is all of that was legal. The crazier part was that it took me almost 5 years to move on to greener pastures.
I won’t continue to go into detail on the jobs that followed and the brief breaks that I received, but I can say that at least that the next was better than the former.
And that brings me to today...
Where I work a job decent enough to not rob me of my mind when I get off.
Where I have the ability to sit back on my porch in continuance with the thoughts I had around noon.
Where I can pick up right (or at least close to) where I left off in my story.
Where my fingers aren’t tired enough to write about all these things that happened today.
On the first day the sun was truly out
And I wore a dress
And sandals
And pink nail polish on each toe
And I read bell hooks “all about love”
And every time the wind blew past me
I couldn’t tell if the smell I picked up on
Was my book
Or the bush on my right
Blooming, growing,
Letting me know it was alive again