Nightmare Disease
The only dreams I can remember are nightmares. I started writing them down in my twenties and now I collect the nightmares of other people as well. Tell me your scariest nightmare. However you want. Give me goosebumps. Give me nightmares.
Keep your lights on
My friend comes to pick me up for school, it's not summer and it's Montana so it's dark outside. She has a friend with her, I sit in the back. We go to the gas station by my house and when we leave we're going in the opposite direction of school. We're driving down a hill by my parents house, brickyard hill to be exact, and the headlights go out. My eyes try to focus on the darkness past the windshield. The headlights come back on. Standing, right in front of the car, is a baby and it's head is cocked to the side. The car swerves violently and we start rolling over the side of the hill. We're going to die, I know we're going to die and all I can think is that baby is too young to stand on its own.