what does a writer look like anyway?
As I walked upstairs, away from my mother angered by airline delays, I set my eyes on my new white blouse, thinking to myself that if I were to start a daily writing practice, that might be a shirt I would wear. That, I thought, is what a writer, a true creative, would wear. I could type away on my keyboard to baroque music with my white blouse and find some form of fulfillment.
While carving out joys in the journey, and even romanticising it, are essential parts to enjoying your life, I have a propensity for planning out dramatic shifts in my life, filled with fantasy and dramatic change. Although a useful trait in many ways, daydreaming can sometimes cause unrealistic expectations and become too extreme, as is in my case. The times I’ve enjoyed writing haven’t been big romantic, dramatic, montages.
Au contraire-- I lose myself in the moment and it doesn’t matter what I’m wearing or if I’m sitting up straight or if my room is clean. Inspiration flows best from the words themselves, not from constraints of creating a "perfect self."