The Adventures of Geo Beane: Day 7 of Renovations
Today I got to visit Humphrey at lunchtime.
"Y'not?" said Mrs. B. to herself while clearing our dishes. She was wondering what the new place looked like, and it would be nice to drop in... bring a drink and a brownie...
Why not? I completely agreed, "Wruff, wruff!" and rallied Bonnie out the door.
Humphrey was very surprised, but recovered quickly, and welcomed us inside. He looked admirable with splashes and smears of paint all over his jeans, shirt, face and on the blue beret he wore, "to look serious." Like a partisan of the French Résistance. The speckles of white on Demin and navy blue seemed like the heavenly constellations had descended upon him with great honor.
"Wraff! wraff!! raff!" I ran in ecstatic turns and pirouettes when I saw that he had done it-- Humphrey had gone back and bought the hammered gold paint! And I could see that earlier this morning he had tested it out on the dark trim in the central bedroom. He had cleverly applied it in a light stain, so that the under color was still discernable, creating a distinctive green-gold, which to me (color-blind:) looked like shimmering contrast of light and dark; not done yet, but already a beautifully rich piece of jewelry adorning our house from the inside.
Mrs. B. and Humphrey, meanwhile, had gotten to chatting about what little was known yet of the new neighbors.
"There's a very nice elderly woman, two houses down... Michelle, I believe," said Humphrey.
That was when I realized-- what I did not hear!
For all six days prior, Humphrey and I, or rhrr just Humphrey, had remarked on hearing the drums. As the corner lot, we have near neighbors only on the right side and behind our house. The house nearest us on the right has a very dedicated Percussionist. We have not seen anyone go in or go out, but we hear a well-appointed drum kit including bass drum, snare drum, and cymbals playing almost all day, like it is our personal soundtrack to the whole reno project. This practitioner is a strong devotee of the eat, sleep, do, movement. But today, nothing.
Eerie silence, which Humphrey later reported, had held all day.
Humphrey was quite pleased about it... You see I forgot to mention, my Humphrey is a famous celebrity! Really, all over the internet. He makes his own TikTok creative comedy shorts and routinely features me, Geo Beane, as bonus attraction. I think that is why he chose the name "Geo;" he has stealthy plans for world domination via webcam and aims to go Pompeii International along with sidekick Pomeranian.
Bigger than that famous illustrious dog rapper *Mr. Worldwide* aka the Pitbull.
But now I am dreaming. Humphrey is reading something on his phone, and turning out the lights, with gentle pats, thank yous and goodnights, as it's been a verrry long day and there is still lots to do mañana... zzzzzz...