Friends In The Mirror
I stand here...
A man who's learned to manage his fears
And abandon his tears.
Do you notice my thorns?
Gold has formed in a soul that is torn.
The noises in my head have damaged my ears.
You must forgive the way I hear.
Your voice is fragile like the swaying and clashing of a chandelier.
But your words still aren't clear.
Both of us bullied by the winds of tomorrow.
We forgot what it meant to be here.
With similar lenses, we remember the sorrow.
We'd rather share how our dreams died.
And the time our first puppy died from Parvo.
Searching for the things we know will never return.
Fueled by each others' failures.
Our memories clash.
Moved by energies from the past.
We are but two broken people afraid to ask.
Afraid to demask.
Living in peace while our minds roam through days of war.
Thinking of all the occasions our kind waves were ignored.
Made invisible by the sword of doubt.
People are trying to read our minds, so we turn our thoughts down.
Once good guys.
Our good side died in a lost town.