My Everything
Oxygen is my everything. However, whenever I go outside all I see are the barren sprawls of land that are depriving me of my everything. Industries sweep away my everything faster than I am able to consume it. Our natural world is being depleted, yet the people who believe money is their everything are continuing to butcher the precious forests and vegetation that is keeping all of us alive. Money is not everything.
Happiness is my everything. However, people who believe material objects are their everything overconsume, leaving others to scavenge for basic necessities. There are innocents withering into tarmac out on the streets as a result. Even small donations go a long way, and when one donates they obtain a "Helper's High" as our brains release endorphins to make us happier. Sharing is everything. Material objects are not everything.
Learning is my everything. Yet, there are children who do not even know how to spell their own names. Resources are not being given. Chances are not being given. People who believe that being a "beautiful little fool" is their everything, are not able to see others. They cannot see the injustices facing poorer communities. Yes, sometimes it is better to be ignorant, but ignorance is not everything.
Safety is my everything. However, there is major gun violence, corruption, sexism and racism. People who believe they are everything do not care what happens to others. When everyone only looks out for themselves, the world deteriorates into chaos. Understanding others produces a safer world. Selfishness is not everything.
Having peace, cooperation and thoughtfulness in the world we live in is my everything.