Response (the girl side)
Truth be told, his posture had always overshadowed my dreams.
I was a mislead sailboat, on the ocean of his faded blue jeans.
I've never wanted a heart of stone and balls of steel,
But a faithful promess to escape in my dad's 57 Chevy that we'd steal.
We were fire and ice, our identities being our solemn sacrilege.
He dealt with anger like a rolling thunder, full of rage,
While I exposed my fears and laid out my tears to the pillars of heaven.
Blindingly hoping for an other answer than to run.
It became the devil's last chance to show me a mishievous solution,
And I accepted to be a torn leather jacket in my own narrative.
But when my dried-up tears were about to sign my dereliction,
I saw him come for me like a bat out of hell, someone finally sensitive.
And my amber eyes got the reflections they wanted in his mending soul,
My litigious feelings turned into a straight desire of making us a whole.
And the world witnessed the beginning of this journey,
That would end in a car far away from the sea.