A Bruised Reed
When do we let go of a bad investment
Those slimy, scaly, useless, broken people
Into whom we pour ourselves
Our hearts and our resources
And so often even our families
Hoping for that miraculous turn around
One year?
Two years?
Year after year
Rebellion swallows them alive
Tears them to pieces
Leaving them gutted of all value
When do we let go
The scriptures say of the Lord’s servant
Among other things
“…A bruised reed He will not break…” (Isaiah 42:3)
And we are all bruised reeds
God will never let go
God will never give up
Because He is invested in us
Paying with His own Son
To buy us for Himself
To do His work
His way
The answer for us then
Who claim to serve God…
We shall never give up
And He will renew our strength
When we have had enough of them
And His faithfulness is renewed to us every morning
When He has so often had enough..of us