July Drabble Challenge: MURRICA
Tell me a story tied to the USA in exactly 100 words. Winning entry will be selected by me and will be a prose, not poetry, submission. Wow me with your lean, mean, American tale in honor of the Fourth of July. Take it in a patriotic direction, an ironic spin, tell a war story, or examine the modern United States with a critical eye (or all of the above). Tie in to the theme in any creative storytelling way you can. I'll read and judge the entries in early August.
The Home Built Between Two Countries
We weren’t American enough for our neighbors growing up. I had rice and black beans in my lunchbox instead of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My mother got scolded for being at our community pool multiple times because they assumed an immigrant with an accent couldn’t be a resident.
We had nothing when we came over here. Today and tomorrow, I never have to worry about where my next meal comes from. I have a savings account and can even afford new clothes. I am not dripping in gold, but every day, I get to live the American dream.