Will we ever be friends again?
I doubt it
She's staying
Which means no hanging out
She gets jealous
And overprotective
So we can't hang out
I feel like crying
Knowing that I'll never
Get one of my best friends back
All because
She doesn't want it to happen
Because she doesn't like me
And it is too controlling
And because you
Let it happen
We text
But there is something
That happened between us
That no amount of texting will ever fix
No matter how hard we try
We can't show the pain through a screen
I don't think you realize
How much it hurts
To know that we will never
Watch a movie together
Take a walk together
Talk in person
At least not while
You two are together
I miss the small things
Like texting after
A long day
And laying around
Watching a movie
Or petting my dog
And talking
God, how I miss it
I know you want to fix things
And I know
That we are both trying
But answer me this
Will we ever be friends again?