July Drabble Challenge: MURRICA
Tell me a story tied to the USA in exactly 100 words. Winning entry will be selected by me and will be a prose, not poetry, submission. Wow me with your lean, mean, American tale in honor of the Fourth of July. Take it in a patriotic direction, an ironic spin, tell a war story, or examine the modern United States with a critical eye (or all of the above). Tie in to the theme in any creative storytelling way you can. I'll read and judge the entries in early August.
Singing Along
The pair are stationed on rickety wooden bleachers three rows up from the start-finish line as a drowning sun releases one final, cobalt breath into the deepening horizon. The smells of popcorn and hotdogs waft between those of spent gasoline, and dust. The older men stand, their crooked hands like maps to treasured hearts, singing along. His Grampa one of them, the boy joins in.
The song ends. Rag-tag bottle rockets pop ingloriously about a listless, backstretch flagpole. The cars fire up, rattling the bleachers’ bones, pumping their electricity into an already perfect evening.
God surely blessed Grampa’s America.