Creepy Conversation Starters
I had a Halloween party this past year and filled a pumpkin pail with folded pieces of paper and each one had a creepy question or conversation starter. For example...If you were a serial killer, what "trophies" would you take from your victimes? If you were a cannibal, what would be your favorite body part to eat? What's your favorite murder show on TV? What kind of ghost would you be? What competition would you choose if you had to challenge the Devil and win back your soul? Post your own creepy question for the challenge and answer other Prosers questions in their comments. I'll award the best question AND the best answer to a question.
devil’s spotify.
You've got devilishly awesome taste in music. In fact, it's really crossing a border; hell's border. Satan is supposed to take you into his humble abode and warm embrace, but the waiting room down there is a little full so he decides to offer you a too-good deal with the prize being a ticket straight to heaven. What horrible nail-scratchingly devious song would play in Hell's waiting room to really set the mood? You've got to really deserve the ticket- everyone has got to be writhing in agony.