I am the dog left at the shelter,
Because I went to the wrong home.
The wrong daughter for the wrong mother.
I'm too aggressive and I bite,
I don't beg for your attention and wait patiently, My bark is too loud, I say what nobody wants to hear, I'm always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
I'm the wrong shoe on the wrong foot. I'm too practical, no frills, too sturdy, not delicate or paper thin. Not elegant or feminine, embarrassing because I take up space and I'm direct.
I feel ugly when I'm emotional or vulnerable, I will not know my place. My worth is not based on my weight. I will not drown myself in drugs or alcohol, to cover up my insecurity so that I am broken and you can fix me.
I am an alien from outer space trying to blend in enough so they will love me for who I really am.
I was just trying to get home and now I'm stuck in a world where I will always be foreign and misunderstood.