The Next Soul...
My name is Lisa. I'm psychic. I am so sorry. Truly, I don't mean to confuse.
I know this may be difficult to comprehend, but I am about to tell you something that happened a long time ago. I hope to explain it as plainly as possible.
Decades ago, a man was born who would be King.
He was born to save our souls, on January 8, in the year 1935, Anno Domini.
The Angelic sound of his voice, from Gospel to Rockabilly, would captivate the world over. He would be recognized Universally... simply as the King of Rock and Roll.
A man who, like other redeemers of the Spirit, would need no introduction.
At the time of his birth, the entirety of his career and destiny were pinned into the rotation of the Stars. It was determined that he would be successor to the then current Exorcist Angel. *The identity of which has been obscured from Conscious. As is customary. Please know that not all souls depart the Earth immediately. Some remain to ferry the still-living, until their spirits may rest, full filled.
What I am hoping to show is that there are no mere coincidences.
Elvis Presley, was born, suffered, and died, so that our collective soul may be further raised and glorified. *Music being among the holy most languages of the Almighty.
You see it is the order of the Cosmos. To prevent spiritual fatigue, each Century, a new reaper is appointed (by predestination), according to the need of the People. So that all may be elevated.
What is needed is always some extension of freedom. Freedom to experiment, in mind and body. An unleashing of creativity, to bring pure Silver out of the tarnished steel chains that have oppressed. Black and White, Men and Women, Young and Old.
Elvis would be part of launching a part of that Revolution.
*When I say "Century," please understand that I do not mean the turn of the Century.
That would be too literal, dismissible. No, it occurs exactly on August 16.
August, you'll note is 8. It is the sideways turning of the Infinite. Spinning, within itself, and again, at the center pivot of its axis. It is "august," with full force of meaning. Esteemed. Spiritual.
Likewise, 16 carries a heft to it in the Biospheres. It cannot be written off as arbitrary. You might chance to look it up in Numerology, or not. Know in brief that it signifies simultaneously Completion and the Endless New Beginning, Individual growth and Infinite possibility.
The Decade is always 77. Whatever the Century. Of course, 77, because that is the Palidrome of the Archangels, the check point at which it is ensured that the track of Humanity is coursing in the direction of the Righteous.
Towards Heaven. By which I mean the ascension of the Holy Body. The Universe maybe expanding or contracting, but always aiming towards Its own Perfection. Neither in nor out; left nor right; nor up or down.
To continue, it was on that very date Aug 16, 1977, that Presley became Grim Reaper.
It is most unfortunate to retell his story. Similarly, as in describing the life and death of Jesus, his account is laden with woe and misery. However, not since that Crucifixion, have our saviors in death "known" their destiny.
Elvis Presley, the man, mercifully suffered in ignorance of his ordained purpose.
Know that every reaper is, naturally, by designation Special. That is why I am writing.
At inception, it is commonly the story of a seemingly Ordinary Man, in Ordinary Time. Few people know that Elvis had a Twin brother, born 35 minutes before him. Stillborn. Jesse Garon. Identical. Yes, this body that emerged second, was reinforced with two souls. A heart with two flames. A passionate love of Music, and a love serving the Lord. He was given the strength of two voices.
It had been prophesied.
His Great-great Grandmother, Morning Dove, was full Cherokee Indian.
She had once spoken of a dual redeemer that would draw together the Peoples. *Gladys Love, would be born to her daughter, and then to Gladys a son would be given, carrying Indian, African, and European blood: Elvis Aaron Presley.
He would be Beautiful and Ugly. Revered and Ridiculed. He would be KING.
On August 16, 1958, Elvis buried his mother, who he referred to forever after as his Soulmate. Her love burned as a third flame within him, and his heart and voice swelled with captivating emotion. *She died reportedly of heart failure on the 14th. Across cultures, a number signifying Balance.
That is accurately said to be the beginning of his transfiguration. The world watched with horror as the Rock 'n Roller, pushed with performance demands, tumbled from beauty and grace to rotund delirium in Graceland. Pumped with medication to keep up in the "show business." For the "show" is everything, to the demon devoid of the holy ghost.
The failing swollen body begging to the world for Grace in silence. Not for himself. Metaphorically. For those of us who are born, and deemed already "ugly," without "talent," or useful "skill." Discarded out of hand. Not fit for Light of day, or life, as it were. A falsehood that has bled dry many a soul.
Presley stands as another rock along our path of evolution, a pillar, a reminder of the importance of caring for Oneself in the service of others. Suffering. Carrying his cross of Sound, and Silence.
To push the allegory further, he died upon that most reviled throne, the Toilet. A man, obese, on top of the charts, time and again, yet so utterly isolated. Fallen.
His woman at the time Ginger, was there.
So young, and flourishing with life, a girl like Mary Magdalene, drawn to his eminent power in ability and resource, even in the potency of Death.
She drew aside that door to the bathroom, like the stone to the tomb.
And he was no longer there.
His predecessor had already arrived. Had swapped the shroud. And they had risen. One to retirement, and the other to serve for the next 100 years.
Yes, that's right. Since 1977 Elvis has been reaping the souls across the world. He has reached into the body, singing: " heart was captured, my soul surrendered..."
It's Now or Never!
He'll be singing it till August 16, 2077.
That is how long it will take for it to be accepted that the Grim Reaper could be...
a woman.
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