Smoke Plumes
Getting older, you have to choke upon yourself
a little bit. The rain comes & the creek floods & suddenly you--
a river. Raging. Here, the beds where once your hands
were so gentle. Here, the evacuation order
to the residents. Here, the ones that sit on their porches
and watch, wait
anyways. Crack open beers and pour white wine
over ice cubes.
The rain comes & so does the lightning & in the midst of summer--
brushfires. Ash the landscape like a cigarette. Smoke the whole valley.
You pray for your home harder in a fire than in any other
natural disaster,
we think. Smoke plumes turn the sunset pink
in the most sinister way. Two years ago they turned
the sun red on summer solstice. Divinity is always in the clouds.
Divinity is in natural disaster. It's the closest you stand to god,
(not always, please
remember, these
summer months
can just be ugly.)