Fuckin’ A
The word "fuck" is under-appreciated
It's the most versatile word I know
Adjective, noun, preposition or verb
"Fuck" always fits in with the flow
I proclaim "I'm gonna fuck him up!"
About a young guy I'll seduce
I'll say "Everything is beyond fucked up!"
When I can't think of a better excuse
"I'm so fucked up" can mean anything
From being sad, or angry or drunk
"Fuck it" always a good response
When someone's grouchy or in a funk
Fuck gives statements that extra oomph
"She's fucking dumb" or "He's a fucking jerk!"
Outside is "fucking hot" or "fucking freezing"
And always, "I don't fucking want to go to work!"
Tone is key when using the word "fuck"
Statements can mean different things
"I got thoroughly fucked" means I had good sex
Or I got my feelings hurt and it stings
"Fucktard" is a perfect example
Create new words, if you're so driven
Or don't do a thing, if you don't want
You can hashtag it "Zero fucks given"
Sometimes no word is quite enough
To relay if something is great or it sucks
That's where my favorite word comes in
For sure, "It's useful as fuck"