Wish You Were Here
Greetings from sunny Florida. In my opinion, perhaps a little too sunny. “Go on vacation,” you said. “You don’t want to miss experiencing Disney World before they shut it down this summer!” Did you mean, experience what’s left of it? Because it’s kinda hard to enjoy the so called most magical place on earth, when the roads are melting and heat is pretty much radiating off of the rides. Who would ever have thought that in the year, 2073, I would be waiting in line, sweltering, more burned than tan, and wearing that very strong sunblock you (oh so helpfully suggested) to find myself on a roller coaster hanging over the ocean! Did I mention that the ocean levels are rising again? Maybe those Climate Change people were actually onto something when they started giving us those early warnings in 2023. I mean a large chunk of Florida is now completely under water and another evacuation just took place yesterday. Now that I mention it, I actually think I can hear the sirens now, but hopefully that’s just in my imagination. Anyways, I’m starting to run out of room on this postcard, but I simply can’t thank you enough for convincing me to go on this vacation and just wanted to say:
Wish you were here.